Cultivating Your Capacity for Well Being

Are you ready to live from a more authentic and empowered place in yourself and within your Relationships but struggling to recover from recent or long standing traumas, unexpected loss or perhaps just trying to adapt to necessary life cycle changes with more flexibility?

When your sense of self feels limited so does your ability to imagine alternatives and make positive changes.

The demands of modern life leave little room for conscious reflection and growth. Very often we expect ourselves to just move on instead of taking the time to recognize how we are impacted by changing circumstances. Transitions are usually accompanied by an underlying sense of vulnerability, whether we are choosing the changes or not. Navigating new relationship dynamics in your personal or professional life, lifestyle or lifecycle shifts for you or a family member, undertaking a new career path or committing to a long dreamed of adventure can heighten stressful feelings like anxiety, frustration, confusion, sadness and can even trigger deep or unresolved grief and shame.

Expecting yourself to know what to do or how to move through challenges without support or new tools to navigate them can often increase reactive responses, patterns of avoidance or relying on old coping methods that can feel isolating and no longer align with your highest good.

Entering into therapy, whether online in California or in person in my comfortable and easily accessible psychotherapy office in south Pasadena, is an opportunity to meet these fears and challenges with compassion and curiosity. We will work experientially at a pace specific to you to determine what tools and resources will best support you in meeting your mental, physical, and emotional needs and allow you to trust your potential, clarify your vision, and embolden your innate wisdom with self acceptance and care. 

S. Pasadena In Person Sessions and Tele-Health Online for California Residents