Grief is an initiatory and vital aspect of life that beckons us to reflect upon our deepest feelings and vulnerabilities while challenging our core beliefs.
Many people that come to therapy have experienced grief and loss in some aspect of their lives. Your physical environment may have suffered in some way or an ancestral wound has come to your attention for care. Whether you have experienced the death of a loved one, are facing the loss of an important relationship; break up or divorce, career path or a phase of life has ended, a part of you also ceases to exist in the way it had prior to the loss.
Navigating this uncharted territory can be very painful. Initially you may feel overcome by a sense of disbelief or numbness, experience waves of emotion like deep sorrow, anger and fear. Intermittent waves of relief can feel confusing or guilty feelings can arise; all of which can be mentally and physically exhausting and hard to understand. It may be challenging to interact with others even though you just want to get back to normal. Allowing yourself to move through this in between space requires time and care.
Grief and loss can feel like being cast into the underworld, but it can also provide you with profound insight into aspects of yourself that are seeking to grow and transform. In this sacred, liminal territory we will develop tools for identifying and nurturing your present moment needs while compassionately opening to the changes that arise within and around you.